Eazzy Eats
Nov 12, 2020


Healthy Eating Habits in the Workplace

Till date many schools of thought have diversified views on which meal is the most important, some argue it’s breakfast while others are certain it is lunch. Medically speaking humans shouldn’t skip breakfast because some studies have revealed that it leads to overeating which in turn causes obesity which can cause serious health damages such as stroke and heart attacks and a host of other chronic diseases.

Due to busy schedules many rarely have enough time to prepare their meals from home and while at work stepping out for lunch could also look like a tiresome task. Luckily, food delivery platforms have made food ordering an easy peasy task. Notwithstanding the most important thing is to make time to eat at appropriate hours.

This is why every organization should encourage its staff to practice healthy eating habits by developing practical eating policies such as compulsory lunch or break hours, making provision for a functional break room with necessary facilities, and big companies that can afford to set up a cafeteria are encouraged to do so.

Productivity will not only increase it will be consistent and things such as absenteeism from work, sick-leave days will reduce drastically.

A healthy, balanced and consistent diet also lowers rates of chronic diseases, and this is why consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, alongside energy bars and yogurt, are encouraged at work while excessive consumption of fatty food, sugar and sugar based beverages should be limited.

So, how would you resolve to eat healthy? What would you do differently starting today?



Eazzy Eats

On demand food hub + quick delivery. 🍲 iOS, Android App and Website available. Eat wherever, whenever. https://www.instagram.com/eazzy_eats/